Continuing the 48 (Pt 3.); Mount Tecumseh (4,003')

What is up Adventures!

One of the coolest things about embarking on new adventures is that every step feels like a first. From conquering the first rain hike to using hiking poles for the first time, scaling a NH 4K peak for the first time, camping under the stars, and more—the list of "firsts" keeps growing. And this time, get ready for another thrilling first!

For this hike, I was up and at it early! It was the first time I attempted to drive to NH, hike, and return all in one day. I've seen others in the books and groups do it, but could I manage driving 3 - 4 hours from Rhode Island, hiking, and then making the return journey? I had my doubts, but if it was feasible, it meant I could bag more hikes! That's why I chose Mount Tecumseh. The trail was only about 3 hours away (southernmost peaks are in Waterville Valley), it was one of the shortest hikes at 5 miles, and the summit is the shortest peak at 4,003 feet, not even above the treeline.

The hike can be summed up by this quote, 'I would call it the Stairway to Heaven, but I cannot, as there were no Heavenly Views,' Josh.

The trail started off easy, leading to the first viewpoint about one and a quarter miles up with an elevation gain of around 700 feet. However, after that point, it turned into a literal rock staircase leading to the summit area. Stair after stair, I kept ascending until I reached the top. Yet, as I had read beforehand, there was very little view to be found.

After indulging in some snacks and taking a breather, I headed back down, completing the hike in just under 4.5 hours, covering 5 miles and gaining 2,283 feet of elevation. It wasn't a record-breaking time, but I was content considering the various circumstances surrounding the hike—leg soreness, a 3-hour drive prior to the hike, lack of sleep, humidity, and washouts, among others.

Speaking of circumstances, the biggest slowdown was that my legs didn't fully recover from Leg Training on Monday. This was quite peculiar for me, as normally Day 2 is the easier leg day for me. Looking back, I realized I had only squatted 420 for 3 reps. Regardless, my heavy legs made the stairs feel harder than they probably actually were.

Overall, everything turned out okay. My goal was to tackle something manageable for my first drive-and-return hike, and I'm pleased to report that I made it up, back home, and bagged another peak!

Onwards and upwards,
The Adventuring TeddyBear 🧸 

Tidbit: Mount Tecumseh is home to the Waterville Valley Resort, one of the largest ski areas in New Hampshire. The ski paths actually offer the best views on the trails, as the treeless ski trails create unblocked view lines!

The Ranks:

Favorite Hikes:
1. Bear Peak
2. Lil Haystack
3. Pulpit Rock
4. Mount Tammany 
5. Joshua Tree National Park (Hidden Valley Trail)

The Best NH 4Ks:
1. Mount Pierce (6/30/23)
2. Mount Tecumseh (7/19/23)
2. Mount Jackson (6/3/23)


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